It only seems like yesterday that I was going to 18th
birthday parties and it seemed sooooo grown up to be invited to a twenty-first
party. Aahhh, those salad days. These days we are invited to 60th and 70th
birthday celebrations and Dad will celebrate his 80th next
year. In May the LGB aka Hop-Along is
celebrating a big birthday. When I say
big, I mean he will have to call on all that wind he is so full of to blow out the
forest of candles on the cake. He’s a
few years older than me, but as an official spinster of the parish I will soon
be saying ‘my boyfriend is sixty’! How
did that happen?
Many men when they reach a certain age of crisis get
themselves a new car or clad themselves in leather and hoik their arthritics
legs over the shining metal of a motor bike.
What’s my old man getting? A new
hip. My street cred has just plummeted.
Joking aside, Hop Along has been suffering. I finally managed to get him to visit the
doctor when he had saved up enough ailments to warrant, in his mind, wasting
the doctor’s time. So with himself limping, coughing, nursing a sore throat and
a tooth infection (he doesn’t do a sicky by halves) we set the alarm for the
crack of dawn for our 7 am appointment. Later that day with a tome of prescriptions in
his mitt and a referral to a specialist we visited the pharmacist who swapped
the pieces of paper for a bagful of creams, potions and tablets. She even threw in a free bar of very nice
soap!! Always good to keep a potentially lucrative client on side.
A visit to the radiographer followed. He informed the LGB he
had ‘special bones’. Puzzled we returned to the doctor who on seeing the x-rays
confirmed the LGB’s hips were kaput and in fact one of the problems may have been ‘congenial’. I think he meant
congenital. A subsequent visit to an orthopaedic
consultant confirmed the diagnosis when the consultant told the LGB his hips
were completely worn down and in fact he had the hips of an eighty year old
man! We are now looking for the aforementioned
octogenarian to give him his hips back because they are no bloody good to us.
That was just the start.
No such thing as a one shop stop here. He had urine and blood samples
taken. Next stop was the cardiologist. This rather rotund man whilst extremely
pleasant was in no condition to advise anybody that they ought to lose weight
for the sake of their health. He wired the LGB up and Eureka, found a heart. A little drop of antifreeze should do the trick! Back to the pharmacist to buy crutches and
bandages as instructed then another drive to Angouleme to the hospital to book
his room. Then back to the lab to collect the results for the blood and urine
Today we returned to Angouleme for the final appointment
before the operation with the anaesthetist. The LGB is still trying to
pronounce that one. En route we somehow came to discussing whether, in the
event of the worst outcome he would come back to haunt me! We’re a bundle of joy and laughs us two! I said he would have to so that he could tell
me how to finish the house.
I can watch all kinds of surgical procedures on the television but the LGB hates them. He is very squeamish about these things. He says in the event that he may have to have one of the interventions he would rather not know what is happening to him on the table. He has been very relaxed about the whole process and just eager to get the new hip and back to work.
I can watch all kinds of surgical procedures on the television but the LGB hates them. He is very squeamish about these things. He says in the event that he may have to have one of the interventions he would rather not know what is happening to him on the table. He has been very relaxed about the whole process and just eager to get the new hip and back to work.
The appointment with the anaesthetist went well until he
told the LGB he would be awake during the operation. That went down like a lead
balloon. The LGB is no longer the
happy-go-lucky-pre-oppy-chappy he was this morning. He’s gone a little nervy
and is muttering that perhaps he won’t have the second hip done after all! I am trying to console him by telling him he
won’t feel a thing, he will just be able to hear the sawing and chiselling,
with a little bit of hammering thrown in.
Just the normal sounds of a building site really. For some reason that
information is not going down too well.
Blue for a day! |
My paint mix looks good enough to eat! |
A few pictures of what has been done so far. The kitchen units aren't fixed yet as they will have to come out to tile the floors.
I now have doors to replace the curtains under the sink. |
Drawers painted in Fired Earth carbon blue. Handles in Annie Sloane charcoal |
He has been tidying the garden to make life a little easier
for me whilst he’s recovering. The consultant says he will be out of action for
three months because of the nature of his work. He’s made a couple of raised
beds to grow veggies. We have been tidying, bringing in some furniture from
storage to the house, generally doing the things he won’t be able to do for
some time. I’ve been painting pieces of
furniture, emptying boxes and moving boxes.

Some lovely days and evenings in the garden
Some lovely days and evenings in the garden
The cranes coming back. Summer must be coming! |